Sub Title
Installation of quality control laboratories: an absolute necessity

The need for increasingly specific measures has become an important economic issue/ The economy of each therefore needs structures that can control and organise trade with the outside world and allow for mutual recognition of standards and possibilities measures between different accreditation or conformity assessment systems. Hence the importance of setting up laboratories for legal metrology, quality and standards.
Indeed, amid the fight against the consumption and import of poor quality goods, and not in accordance with the standards in force, the Ministry of Trade, Supply and Consumption intends to remedy the inadequacies of quality control of goods in Congo, whether imported or produced locally, by setting up laboratories for legal metrology, quality and standards.
These laboratories will be powerful tools to ensure food safety and thus preserve the health of consumers.
This quality control will aim, among other things, at protecting the consumer against:
- Health risks ;
- Fraudulent processes ;
- Lack of loyalty in business transaction.
Internationally, quality is defined by ISO 9000-2005 as the “ability of a set of characteristics to meet requirements.”
The standard, on the other hand, must be seen above all as an instrument for the industrial and economic development of a nation. It has many advantages. These include:
• Safety, protection of consumer health, the environment and the national economy;
• Exchange of information;
• Achieving optimum savings;
• The fight against illegal trade and wild competition;
• Improved export income and domestic investment, job creation and the fight against poverty.
It is in this perspective that the Government of the Republic of Congo, through the Ministry of Trade, Supply and Consumption intends to fight in the search for quality and consumer protection through a proactive policy to fight against poor quality products, dangerous products and products harmful to the environment.
The decision of the Republic of Congo to create one or more quality control laboratories to directly ensure the safety of imported and exported food products and guarantee food security in its territory remains a goal to be achieved.
Pointe-Noire, Brazzaville and Ouesso are the first three big cities to be selected.
The cost of the work will depend on feasibility and environmental studies.
Technical and financial partners, economic operators and other businessmen are asked to pre-finance this overarching project.
Directorate of Studies and Planning