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Brazzaville Chamber of Commerce
Main Image Name
Brazzaville Chamber of Commerce
The Brazzaville Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Trades is responsible for representing the economic interests of trade, industry, Agriculture, and Crafts and Trades.
- Missions in Defense of the Economic Interests of its Nationals
- The Brazzaville Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Trades represents and defends the economic interests of its nationals.
- It is the interface between the public and the private sector.
- It informs the public authorities and contributes to the development and implementation of the country's development policy.
- Assistance and advice to companies figure prominently in the powers of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Trades of Brazzaville.
- It makes available to the public and professionals all information useful for the exercise of their activities.
- Finally, it is responsible for the permanent technical assistance of its members and nationals.
- Missions to Promote the Congolese Economy.
- The Brazzaville Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Trades is responsible for organizing and managing throughout its consular district, all economic and commercial campaigns and events (fairs, exhibitions, symposia) aimed at to promote activities within its competence.
- It must also encourage actions intended to improve the supply of local products and services and develop international exchanges.
- Training Missions
The Consular Chamber of Brazzaville has the mission of participating in the development of training plans for the various professions, in the training of business leaders, trainers and apprenticeship masters, in the organization and control of training in companies, setting up structures for the theoretical training of apprentices, setting up professional development structures for technical and commercial trades and defining codes of conduct for different trades.
- Representation Missions
Consular rooms can:- Delegate one or more of their members to the various meetings, commissions or events in which they must be represented;
- Be the official representative of commercial, industrial, agro-pastoral, mining, forestry, fishing, craft and trades interests with the authorities;
- Participate, alone or alongside the authorities, in inter-state or international economic and commercial conferences and negotiations, in order to defend the interests of their nationals;
- Establish branches of representations of their interests abroad, in the field of their attributions.
- Arbitration missions
- The Consular Chambers can set up mechanisms for the amicable settlement of professional disputes between economic operators.
- The Consular Chambers may create arbitral chambers within them, after agreement and under the control of the public authorities, and ensure their operation.
- The list of arbitrators is drawn up according to the procedures defined by the internal regulations of each chamber.