Sub Title

Main Image Name
Emmani Saturnin AKOLI
Section One: A Public Administrative Establishment with legal personality and financial autonomy is created, called the Congolese Centre for External Trade C.C.C.E.
The headquarters of the Congolese Centre for External Trade is located in Brazzaville.
Section 2: The Congolese Centre for External Trade is placed under the supervision of the Minister OF Trade.
Section 3: The mission of the Congolese Centre for External Trade is to:
- promote exports;
- make available to producers, traders and trade groups information available on commercial, technical, economic and regulatory matters with a view to developing exports;
- support exporters;
- develop in conjunction with the Ministry of Cooperation and Partnership Agreements.
Section 4: The administrative and management bodies of the Congolese Centre for External Trade are:
- the management committee ;
- the directorate general.
Section 5: The attributions, organisation and functioning of the administrative and management bodies of the Congolese Centre for External Trade shall be determined by statutes approved by decree of the Council of Ministers.
Section 6: The resources of the Congolese Centre for External Trade shall consist of:
- the product of trade show;
- sales income from publications and services;
- donations and bequests of any kind;
- the annual State subsidy ;
- any other resource that would be created by regulation.
Section7: This law which repeals all previous contrary provisions, will be published in the Official Gazette and enforced as the Law of the State.