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The Directorate General for Competition and Fraud Prevention is the technical body which assists the Minister in the discharge of his duties in matters of competition and the prevention of commercial fraud.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Propose and implement the state policy on competition and the prevention of commercial fraud;
- Develop and popularize legislative and regulatory texts in the field of competition and the prevention of commercial fraud;
- Ensure respect for the fair competition;
- Investigate and punish commercial offenses;
- Implement the sub-regional competition policy:
- Ensure the collection of statistical data.
Article 2: The directorate general of competition and the prevention of fraud is managed and run by a general director.
Article 3: The Directorate General for Competition and the Repression of Commercial Fraud; in addition to the executive secretariat, includes:
- The competition department:
- The direction of the repression of commercial fraud;
- There the direction of administrative and financial affairs;
- The departmental directorates.
Chapter 1: The Management secretariat
Article 4: The management secretariat shall be managed and run by a chief of secretariat with rank of chief of service.
He shall be responsible for all secretarial work, notably to:
- Receive and forward mails;
- Briefly analyse correspondence and other documents;
- Enter and register correspondence and other administrative documents;
- And, in general, perform any other task that may be entrusted to him.
Chapter 2: The Directorate of Competition
Article 5: The Directorate of Competition shall be managed and run by a director.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Define and popularize the rules of market transparency and ensure its good operation;
- Ensure the expression of the free play of competition;
- Conduct investigations into anti-competitive practices.
Article 6: The Directorate of Competition shall comprise:
- The service for investigation into anti-competitive practices;
- The legal department.
Chapter 3: The directorate of prevention of commercial fraud
Article 8: The directorate of prevention of commercial fraud shall be managed and run by a director.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Control the application of laws and regulations on trade, consumption, prices and standards;
- Contribute to the fight against smuggling and counterfeiting;
- Acknowledge and punish commercial offenses;
- Ensure the collection of statistical data.
Chapter 4: The directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs
Article 10: The direction of administrative and financial affairs shall be managed and run by a director.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Manage human resources;
- Draw up the draft running budget for the directorate general;
- Participate in the development of the ministry's investment budget;
- Manage finances and equipment;
- Manage archives and documentation;
- Develop and implement a staff training and development program.
Article 11: the directorate of administrative and financial affairs shall comprise:
- The service for human resources;
- The service for finance and equipment;
- The service for archives and documentation.
Chapter 5: Departmental directorates
Article 12: the departmental directorates shall be governed by specific texts.
Article 13: the duties and the organization of the services and offices to be created, as necessary, shall be fixed by ministerial decree.
Article 14: each central management shall have a secretariat managed and run by a secretary with rank of chief of service.
Article 15: This decree, which repeals all previous contrary provisions, shall be registered and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Congo.